The four churches which have come together in the Bedford Pastoral Charge are filled with decades of history.
Mystic United Church
- The original name was "Methodist Church of Canada" now has become "Mystic United Church."
- Christians of the Methodist persuasion met at the stone settlement in 1819 to hold classes with a traveling preacher.
- Gladys Watson (Mrs Kenneth Smith) served as organist for over 50 years. She must have the record to date of longest serving organist in the church.
- On the south wall of the church hangs a framed list of the men who left Mystic to fight in World War I. It is a memorial to the lives the community lost.
- On the north wall of the church hangs a frame photograph of the church in commemoration of the many many years of service of the Mystic United Church Women.
- Mystic United Church is located at the intersection of Mystic Road and the Walbridge Road, in the hamlet of Mystic (Saint-Ignace-de-Stanbridge)
Bedford United Church
(the church has since been sold as was it's manse)
(the church has since been sold as was it's manse)
- Services in the Bedford area date back to as early as 1806, when circuit riders were making stops, first in their homes and then later in the stone schoolhouse situated south of the town.
- The church was erected in 1872. The tower was added in 1900.
- The church hall dates back to 1828, it was first used as a schoolhouse. It was moved to its current location to be used as a harness shop.
- In 1956, an extension was built connecting the church with the hall.
- The earliest recorded service organized in Bedford is 1842 when the community was linked to is counterpart in Pike River.
- Wesley United is located at 53, rue de la Rivière, Bedford, Quebec. Church building was sold in 2021
Stanbridge East United Church
- The present structure was built on the site of a small Methodist Chapel which was incorporated into the larger structure.
- In 1885, the small chapel was renovated into the current structure. The expansion plans, encouraged by Rev. Samuel Jackson, were in order to be able to accommodate the growing congregation.
- Stanbridge East is also where the Ridge Stone Chapel is located. This church was founded in 1842. However, during the late 1930's the congregation of the Ridge Church joined to worship with the Stanbridge East United Church.
- Each summer, the Ridge still holds a service for the rural community.This service is a welcomed gift from the community and is almost always a full congregation.
- Stanbridge East United Church is located at 16 rue Academy in Stanbridge East, Qc.
Philipsburg United Church - Now closed and sold.
- Philipsburg was known as the gateway to the Townships. In the period of the American Revolution, travelers used the Champlain waterway to establish settlements in the Eastern Townships.
- The church was built in 1819, today it stands as the oldest establishment in Canada that still is used as a place of worship.
- During the battle of Moore's Corner (1837 Rebellion) the church was used by the militia as a storing facility for arms and ammunition. Many soldiers used the church has their base for food and shelter.
- In the 1860's many slave refugees from the American South found a haven in the homes of the congregation, it was a stop in the Underground Railway.
- From the pulpit, the preacher was once able to see straight down to the waters of the bay when the doors were open. Today it still can be done, but has become harder with the growths of community and nature.
- Philipsburg United Church is located at or near 299 Montgomery in Philipsburg (Saint-Armand), Quebec, which is at the very top of the street.